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Initium B02 Alekhine's Defense

 sllbsll (1500)
Inaccuratitates 12 20.0%
Errores 9 15.0%
Errores magni 1 1.7%
Stockfish AI gradus 3 (1500)
Inaccuratitates 8 13.6%
Errores 9 15.3%
Errores magni 2 3.4%


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[Event "Casual game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2025.01.11"]
[White "sllbsll"]
[Black "AI-level-3"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1500"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "119"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3?! { (0.72 → 0.20) Inaccuracy. The best move was e5. } (2. e5 Nd5 3. Nf3 e6 4. d4 c5 5. c4 Qa5+ 6. Bd2 Nb4 7. dxc5 Bxc5 8. a3 O-O 9. axb4 Qxa1) 2... Nc6 3. Nf3 d5 4. exd5 Nb8? { (0.48 → 1.97) Mistake. The best move was Nxd5. } (4... Nxd5 5. d4 e6 6. Bd3 Ncb4 7. O-O Be7 8. Be2 O-O 9. Bd2 Bd7 10. Ne5 Nc6 11. Nxd5 exd5 12. Nxd7) 5. Bc4 Na6? { (1.77 → 3.03) Mistake. The best move was c6. } (5... c6 6. dxc6 Nxc6 7. d4 e6 8. Bf4 Bb4 9. O-O O-O 10. Qd3 Na5 11. Ne5 Nh5 12. Be3 f6 13. Nf3) 6. a3 Bg4 7. O-O Rhg8? { (3.27 → 4.48) Mistake. The best move was g6. } (7... g6 8. d4 Bg7 9. h3 Bxf3 10. Qxf3 O-O 11. Rfe1 Rac8 12. Bg5 Rfe8 13. Bb5 Ref8 14. d6 cxd6 15. Qxb7) 8. d4?! { (4.48 → 3.95) Inaccuracy. The best move was h3. } (8. h3 Bxf3 9. Qxf3 Nc5 10. d4 Ncd7 11. Rfe1 Qc8 12. Qe2 g5 13. Bb5 c6 14. dxc6 bxc6) 8... g6?! { (3.95 → 4.68) Inaccuracy. The best move was Qd6. } (8... Qd6 9. Bb5+ Bd7 10. Qd3 Qb6 11. Bxd7+ Nxd7 12. Qxh7 Nf6 13. Qh3 Rad8 14. Rfe1 g6 15. Re5 Bg7 16. Ng5) 9. Qd3?! { (4.68 → 4.00) Inaccuracy. The best move was h3. } (9. h3 Bd7 10. Qe2 Bg7 11. Rfe1 h6 12. Ne5 Kf8 13. d6 e6 14. Bf4 cxd6 15. Nxg6+) 9... Bf5?! { (4.00 → 4.68) Inaccuracy. The best move was Bg7. } (9... Bg7 10. Rfe1 Kf8 11. Bf4 Rgh8 12. h3 Bf5 13. Qe2 Kg8 14. Ne5 h5) 10. Qd2?! { (4.68 → 3.75) Inaccuracy. The best move was Qe2. } (10. Qe2 Nb8 11. Rfe1 h6 12. Bf4 g5 13. Be5 Nh5 14. Nb5 Nf4 15. Nxc7+ Qxc7 16. Bxc7 Nxe2+ 17. Rxe2) 10... Bg7?! { (3.75 → 4.40) Inaccuracy. The best move was Nb8. } (10... Nb8 11. Qe2 Nbd7 12. Bb3 a6 13. Bf4 Bg4 14. Qc4 Nb6 15. Qxc7 Qxc7 16. Bxc7 Bxf3 17. gxf3) 11. Qf4? { (4.40 → 3.11) Mistake. The best move was Qe2. } (11. Qe2 Kf8 12. Rfe1 Bg4 13. h3 Bxf3 14. Qxf3 Rab8 15. Nb5 Qc8 16. Nxa7 Qf5) 11... Bxc2 12. Bxa6? { (3.27 → 1.69) Mistake. The best move was Ne5. } (12. Ne5 Qd6 13. Nb5 Qd8 14. Rfe1 Rgf8 15. Nc3 Nb8 16. d6 cxd6 17. Bb5+ Nfd7 18. Ng4) 12... bxa6 13. Bd2 Nxd5?! { (1.61 → 2.46) Inaccuracy. The best move was Rab8. } (13... Rab8 14. b4 Bb3 15. Ne5 Bxd5 16. Rfe1 Nh5 17. Qe3 Bf6 18. Qe2 a5 19. Qa6 Bxe5 20. Rxe5) 14. Nxd5 Qxd5 15. Rae1? { (2.46 → 1.37) Mistake. The best move was Rac1. } (15. Rac1 Bf5 16. Rxc7 Bf6 17. Re1 g5 18. Qg3 Be4 19. Rc5 Qe6 20. Bxg5 h6 21. Qh4 hxg5 22. Qxe4 Qxe4) 15... Qd6 16. Qxd6?? { (3.35 → -1.65) Blunder. The best move was Rxe7+. } (16. Rxe7+ Qxe7 17. Re1 Qxe1+ 18. Nxe1 Bf5 19. Qxc7 Rad8 20. Nf3 f6 21. Qc6+ Kf7 22. Ba5 Rdc8 23. Qb7+ Ke8) 16... cxd6 17. Re3 Kd7 18. Rc1 Rgc8 19. Rec3 Be4 20. Rc3xc8 Rxc8 21. Rxc8 Kxc8 22. Ng5 Bd5 23. Nxh7? { (-2.30 → -4.04) Mistake. The best move was Bc3. } (23. Bc3 Kd7 24. Kf1 f6 25. Nf3 g5 26. h3 h5 27. Ke2 g4 28. hxg4 hxg4 29. Nh4 e6 30. f3 gxf3+) 23... Kd8? { (-4.04 → -2.42) Mistake. The best move was f6. } (23... f6 24. Be3 Bg8 25. Nxf6 Bxf6 26. Kf1 Kd7 27. Ke2 Bc4+ 28. Kd2 Bf1 29. g3 Ke6 30. h4 Kd5 31. Kc3) 24. Ng5 Bxd4 25. b4?! { (-2.50 → -3.11) Inaccuracy. The best move was Bc3. } (25. Bc3 Bb6 26. Bd2 e5 27. Be3 Ke7 28. Nf3 Bc4 29. Bxb6 axb6 30. g3 f6 31. Nd2 Bd3 32. f3 d5) 25... Bb2 26. Be3?! { (-3.15 → -3.91) Inaccuracy. The best move was a4. } (26. a4 e5 27. f3 Bd4+ 28. Kf1 f5 29. Nh7 Ke7 30. Bg5+ Kf7 31. Ke2 Kg7 32. Nf6 Bc6 33. Kd3 Bxa4) 26... Kd7?! { (-3.91 → -3.31) Inaccuracy. The best move was Bxa3. } (26... Bxa3 27. Bd2 f6 28. Nf3 Bb2 29. Nh4 g5 30. Nf5 Be6 31. g4 Be5 32. Be3 Bc3 33. Bxa7 Bxb4 34. Bb6+) 27. a4 f6 28. Nh3 g5?! { (-3.67 → -3.03) Inaccuracy. The best move was e5. } (28... e5 29. f4 Bc6 30. fxe5 fxe5 31. b5 axb5 32. axb5 Bxb5 33. Bxa7 d5 34. Ng5 d4 35. Kf2 Bc1 36. Ne4) 29. f4 Ba3? { (-3.03 → -1.41) Mistake. The best move was gxf4. } (29... gxf4 30. Nxf4 Bc4 31. Kf2 Bc3 32. h4 Bxb4 33. h5 e5 34. Ne2 d5 35. Bxa7 Bf8 36. g4 Ke6 37. Bb6) 30. fxg5 fxg5 31. Nxg5 Bxb4 32. Bxa7?! { (-1.41 → -1.97) Inaccuracy. The best move was h4. } (32. h4 e5 33. Kf2 Ke7 34. h5 Kf6 35. h6 Bb3 36. Bxa7 Bc2 37. Be3 Kg6 38. h7 Kg7 39. Ke2 Bxa4) 32... Bb3 33. h4 Bd1 34. Nf3?! { (-1.93 → -2.54) Inaccuracy. The best move was Kf2. } (34. Kf2 e5 35. Nf3 a5 36. h5 e4 37. Ng5 Bxh5 38. Nxe4 Bd1 39. g4 Ke6 40. Ke3 Bxa4 41. Nf2 Kd5) 34... Ke6 35. Kf2 Kd5?! { (-2.02 → -1.17) Inaccuracy. The best move was Bxa4. } (35... Bxa4 36. h5 Kf5 37. Nh2 e5 38. g4+ Kf6 39. Be3 d5 40. Nf3 d4 41. Bg5+ Ke6 42. Bd2 Bc5 43. h6) 36. h5 Bxa4 37. h6? { (-1.13 → -2.70) Mistake. The best move was g4. } (37. g4 Bc2 38. Ne1 Bb1 39. g5 a5 40. g6 Bc3 41. Ng2 a4 42. Nf4+ Ke4 43. Ne2 Bg7 44. h6 Bxh6) 37... Bc3?? { (-2.70 → 5.49) Blunder. The best move was Bc2. } (37... Bc2 38. Be3 a5 39. Ke2 a4 40. Bd2 Bc5 41. Ne1 Be4 42. Nd3 Bd4 43. Nf4+ Ke5 44. Nd3+ Kf6 45. Be3) 38. Bd4 e5? { (5.57 → 7.23) Mistake. The best move was Bc2. } (38... Bc2 39. Bxc3 Kc4 40. Bd2 Bg6 41. Ng5 Kd3 42. Ba5 d5 43. h7 Bxh7 44. Nxh7 d4 45. g4 Ke4 46. Ng5+) 39. Bxc3?! { (7.23 → 6.46) Inaccuracy. The best move was h7. } (39. h7 exd4 40. h8=Q Bc6 41. Qh5+ Kc4 42. Qf7+ Kb5 43. Qb3+ Kc5 44. Qa3+ Bb4 45. Qxa6 Bxf3 46. Kxf3 Bc3) 39... Bc2 40. Ke2?! { (6.46 → 5.89) Inaccuracy. The best move was Ng5. } (40. Ng5 Kc4 41. Bd2 Bg6 42. h7 Bxh7 43. Nxh7 Kd3 44. Ba5 Ke4 45. g4 Kf4 46. Nf6 Kg5 47. Bd8 Kg6) 40... Bf5? { (5.89 → 7.79) Mistake. The best move was Bg6. } (40... Bg6 41. Ke3 Ke6 42. h7 Bxh7 43. Ng5+ Kf5 44. Nxh7 Kg6 45. Nf8+ Kf7 46. Nd7 Ke6 47. Nb6 d5 48. Bb4) 41. Ng5? { (7.79 → 6.66) Mistake. The best move was g4. } (41. g4 Bh7 42. Ng5 Bb1 43. h7 Bxh7 44. Nxh7 Ke6 45. Ng5+ Ke7 46. Bb4 Kd7 47. Ne4 d5 48. Nc5+ Ke7) 41... Kc4 42. Ba1? { (7.79 → 6.14) Mistake. The best move was Kd2. } (42. Kd2 Kd5 43. g4 Bg6 44. Ke2 Bc2 45. h7 Bxh7 46. Nxh7 Ke6 47. Ng5+ Ke7 48. Bb4 Kd7 49. Ne4 d5) 42... Bd3+? { (6.14 → 7.47) Mistake. The best move was Kd5. } (42... Kd5 43. h7 Bxh7 44. Nxh7 Ke6 45. Bc3 Kf5 46. Bb4 d5 47. Ke3 Kg6 48. Nf8+ Kf5 49. g3 Kf6 50. Nd7+) 43. Kf2?! { (7.47 → 6.90) Inaccuracy. The best move was Ke3. } (43. Ke3 Bg6 44. h7 Bxh7 45. Nxh7 Kd5 46. Nf8 Kc6 47. g4 Kc7 48. g5 Kd8 49. g6 Ke7 50. g7 Kf7) 43... Kc5?? { (6.90 → 9.97) Blunder. The best move was Kd5. } (43... Kd5 44. Ke3 Bg6 45. g4 a5 46. h7 Bxh7 47. Nxh7 Ke6 48. Ng5+ Kf6 49. Ne4+ Ke7 50. Bb2 Ke6 51. Ke2) 44. h7? { (9.97 → 7.47) Mistake. The best move was Ke3. } (44. Ke3 Bg6 45. h7 Bxh7 46. Nxh7 Kd5 47. Nf8 Kc6 48. g4 Kc7 49. g5 Kd8 50. g6 Ke7 51. g7 Kf7) 44... Bxh7 45. Nxh7 a5? { (7.51 → 10.30) Mistake. The best move was Kd5. } (45... Kd5 46. g4 Ke6 47. Bc3 Kf7 48. g5 Kg6 49. Nf6 Kxg5 50. Ne4+ Kf5 51. Nxd6+ Ke6 52. Ne4 Kd5 53. Ke3) 46. Ke3 a4 47. Nf6 Kb4 48. Kd3 Kb3 49. Kd2 a3 50. Nd7? { (93.26 → 8.36) Mistake. The best move was g4. } (50. g4 Ka2 51. Bc3 Kb3 52. g5 Kc4 53. Ba1 Kc5 54. Kd3 a2 55. g6 Kc6 56. g7 Kb6 57. Ke3 Kb5) 50... Ka2 51. Bc3 Kb1 52. g4 d5?! { (93.26 → Mate in 11) Checkmate is now unavoidable. The best move was Ka2. } (52... Ka2 53. Nf6 Kb3 54. g5 Kc4 55. Ba1 Kc5 56. Kd3 a2 57. g6 Kc6 58. g7 Kb6 59. Ke3 Kb5 60. g8=Q) 53. Nxe5 Ka2 54. g5?! { (Mate in 5 → Mate in 9) Not the best checkmate sequence. The best move was Kc2. } (54. Kc2 d4 55. Nd3 dxc3 56. Nc1+ Ka1 57. g5 a2 58. Nb3#) 54... d4 55. Bxd4 Kb3 56. g6 Kb4 57. g7 Kb3 58. g8=Q+ Kb4 59. Qc4+ Ka5 60. Nc6# 1-0